
Mentors Guide Students and Soon-To-Be Grads Toward Success The Panther Network’s new mentoring program is creating professional connections for generations of Chapman alumni.

Last spring, more than 200 Chapman alumni and students connected via The Panther Network as part of the inaugural season of the platform’s mentoring program.

Last spring, more than 200 Chapman alumni and students connected via The Panther Network as part of the inaugural season of the platform’s mentoring program. The program is built around the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Career Readiness Competencies and provides stepby- step guidelines for mentors and mentees to hone these employer-sought competencies, as well as dive into other career/industry-related topics.

Marissa and Laura

laura and marissa“The Panther Network is basically a Chapman-only version of LinkedIn,” said Marissa Messina ’17, a creative producing major who now works as a freelance production coordinator in television.

As part of The Panther Network’s mentoring program, Messina was matched with Laura Adams ’24, who also majored in creative producing and plans to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

“It was a really amazing experience to be able to connect with [my mentor] and talk about her experiences after being out for a few years in the real world. It was [helpful] to see the entertainment industry on a professional scale and see what I want to do in the future,” said Adams.

Guided by prompts provided by The Panther Network, the pair connected both via the platform and in person to get to know each other, talk about career goals, go over Adams’ resume and practice interview skills. Messina, who is in a position to hire entry-level candidates, provided a real-world example of what she looks for and how she interviews.

“I feel sometimes I am not the best interviewee,” Adams said. “To be able to get that help from someone who has been through it from both the interviewer and interviewee perspective was really great.”

As a new grad, Adams’ career journey is just beginning, but she knows that she’ll have Messina’s support along the way—their mentor-mentee relationship has blossomed into a friendship that has outlived the mentoring program.

Danielle and Derek

danielle and derekDanielle Domingo worked full-time in public relations and marketing while she pursued Chapman’s MBA program at a full-time pace. Despite the demands on her time, she knew that The Panther Network’s mentoring program was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Domingo was matched with Derek Crocker ’06, a mentor who shares her interest in college athletics. Crocker is a business administration alumnus who is now the vice president of College Sports at FOX Sports. Crocker was able to provide her with valuable guidance to pursue a career in sports media.

Danielle in front of lifesize transformer at fox studioA highlight of the mentoring program for Domingo was being invited to Fox Sports headquarters for a tour and lunch with her mentor.

Crocker said he appreciates how mentors helped him navigate his career, especially when he was in college and trying get internships or that first job.

“The Panther Network Program gave me an opportunity to give back to a place that holds a special place in my heart and provide a little guidance to the next generation,” he said.

The next round of matching for The Panther Network’s mentoring program will take place in spring 2025. Alumni can find out more information about becoming a mentor by joining The Panther Network.

Staci Dumoski

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