Meet the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 13, Argyros Forum 302

Meet the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team including Vice President of DEI Reg Chhen Stewart, Ph.D., Associate Vice President of DEI and Director for Hispanic and Latinx Achievement Gabriela Castaneda, Ed.D., Director of Black Excellence and Achievement Misty Levingston, Executive Director of the Cross-Cultural Center and Promising Futures First-Generation Program Araceli Martinez, Assistant Director of Promising Futures First-Generation Programs Athina Cuevas, Director of LGBTQ Pride and Achievement Kevin Nguyen-Stockbridge, Ph.D., and Executive Assistant to the Vice President Christine Victorin. Light refreshments will be served.

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