
Hispanic Heritage Month Events at Chapman University

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated to honor the contributions and cultural significance of Hispanic and Latinx individuals throughout the nation’s history. During this month-long observance, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, Chapman University will pay tribute to the diverse heritage and enduring influence these communities have had in the U.S.

Hispanic Heritage Month Kickoff
Thursday, Sept. 14, 5–7 p.m.
Argyros Forum Third Floor Patio

This event kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month by honoring and celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of citizens and their ancestors from Spain, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. This month’s celebration is significant because of the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries (Sept. 15), Mexico and Chile (Sept. 16 and 18), and Dia de la Raza/Columbus Day (Oct. 12). The goal of this event is to unite the community to celebrate and learn more about this significant month, while enjoying delicious food and great music.

Meet the Hispanic/Latinx Faculty
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 4:30–5:30 p.m.
Cross-Cultural Center Lounge

This event allows Chapman students and colleagues to meet the incredible faculty and learn about their career journey, research and expertise. Food will be served.

Rainbow Fiesta
Monday, Oct. 2, 12–1:30 p.m.
Argyros Forum Third Floor Patio

This is an inaugural event with Kevin Nguyen-Stockbridge, Ph.D., director for LGBTQ pride and achievement, to celebrate the intersectionality of identities. Join this event and enjoy delicious food and great music.

Dia de la Raza
Thursday, Oct. 12, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Argyros Forum Third Floor Patio

Dia de la Raza celebrates indigenous and European heritages and cultural diversity of Latin America. The event will serve delicious food and provide great music.

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