Career Compass Initiative – Project Update

The Office of Human Resources (HR) is excited to announce that its team has completed the analysis and review of the Description of Position and Responsibilities (DPR) questionnaires. HR continues to work with its partner, Segal, while working toward finalizing the categorization of positions and modernization of its taxonomy.

HR also wants to announce the addition of Tami Brown, senior project manager for the Career Compass Initiative. Tami is a certified compensation professional and joined the team in late March. Her extensive experience and expertise in managing large-scale projects and developing progressive compensation programs within private industries, non-profits and higher education will add tremendous value to the design of the current and future state of the Career Compass Initiative.

The Career Compass Project Team is also pleased to announce the selection of the job builder tool and job pricing tool. The Career Compass Project Team will continue to prioritize open and transparent communication through email, the Working@Chapman newsletter and the Career Compass Initiative website.

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