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The Office of the Provost Asks Faculty and Staff to Participate in Two National Surveys

On Monday, Mar. 6, Chapman University invited all full- and part-time staff and administrators to participate in the Staff Climate Survey and all full- and part-time faculty to complete the Faculty Climate Survey. Both national surveys are being sent and coordinated through third-party emails and links by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA.

The HERI Staff Climate survey include questions about work, interaction with supervisors and coworkers, sources of stress and satisfaction, perceptions of the climate for diversity on campus and the overall experience as a staff member or administrator. For faculty members, the HERI Faculty Survey will explore questions about workload, teaching practices, job satisfaction and professional activities as well as gather current faculty perceptions of the University’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

A summary of the 2020 HERI Staff Climate Survey results and the 2020 HERI Faculty Survey results can be found in an infographic newsletter published by the Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS) Office. After collection period is over, the University’s aggregated results will be reviewed by Senior Staff and summarized in a future newsletter.

Participation in these surveys are strictly voluntary and responses will remain confidential. Email reminders will automatically be sent to employees who do not respond by a specified date.

Campus participation is essential to the success of this project. Individuals who have not had the opportunity to complete the survey will receive a reminder email with a survey link on Thursday, Mar. 16. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox.

For general questions about the surveys or difficulties completing the surveys, please feel free to contact Marisol Arredondo Samson at

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