Updated COVID-19 Testing Guidance From the Office of the President Daniele C. Struppa, Ph. D.

Campus Community-

Late last week, we learned the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) removed its guidance for institutions of higher education. This guidance has been the primary source for California’s state and local guidelines relating to COVID-19 management and how Chapman University has been setting campus protocols. In place of that guidance document, we will follow local, state and CDC guidance for educational settings, where available and appropriate.

With this change, there is no longer a CDC recommendation to require weekly COVID-19 testing for those individuals who are unvaccinated or not current with CDC-recommended boosters.

Effective immediately, individuals will no longer be required to test weekly if unvaccinated or not current with eligible boosters. The daily health survey requirement will remain in place with Public Safety representatives checking for a CLEAR message when accessing campus facilities. We also will continue to provide on-campus testing at no cost to Chapman community members. Visit the CUStayingHealthy website for full details of the remaining campus protocols and to report positive tests.

Note the following instances where COVID-19 testing will be required:

The California Department of Public Health requires all individuals who are not fully vaccinated to be tested after close contact with someone who tests positive.
Employees, including faculty, staff and student workers, may be required to test if exposed to COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA)—which sets state guidelines for employers—requires this prevention measure for California employees until December 31, 2022.

I realize the changing nature of COVID-19 protocols can be confusing as we work to keep pace with health agency guidance. The current direction of guidance is moving away from institutional responsibility toward self-responsibility, and we are following this shift. We are providing the needed resources to reduce the spread of COVID-19 with easy access to testing and contact tracing if an individual is positive.

You have been invited to the August 17 Staff Town Hall at 10 a.m. and I encourage you to attend so campus leadership can further explain the protocols for the new academic year and respond to questions.

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