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Exam Accommodations – Information from the Office of Disability Services

As finals draw near, Disability Services and Educational Technology Services has information and resources to share regarding accommodated exams in a remote environment. For more information, read more about Chapman’s Course Continuity Plan.

Canvas Quizzes/Exams:

If your course exams/quizzes will be taken via Canvas, there is a feature that allows you to adjust a student’s online quiz/exam time corresponding to the amount of extended time authorized by Disability Services (typically 1.5 time or “time + 1/2”; or 2.0 or “double time”).

For tutorials outlining how to adjust quiz/exams times via Canvas, please refer to the links below.

If you would like assistance with Canvas, please contact Tech Support:

**Important Note: Respondus Lockdown Browser is not accessible to those who use accessible technology such as literacy programs, screen readers or speech to text. Disability Services and Educational Technology Services recommend that faculty refrain from the use of Respondus Lockdown Browser for exams.

Alternative Methods of Assessment:

Faculty may also consider alternate methods of assessment that do not include timed Canvas exams. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Providing the assessment to students via email or available link and have them submit their completed assessment via email or assignment submission on Turnitin/Canvas.
    • Please note that an extended time accommodation will need to be provided if these assessments are to be completed within one class meeting time.

Alternate Testing Date/Time Considerations:

If a student has back to back classes and their extended time accommodation would make them late to another class meeting, faculty need to allow them to take the exam/quiz at a different time than the rest of the class. Faculty can provide a different version of the exam/quiz as long as it is equal in difficulty.

Some students are additionally approved for Alternate Test Day Accommodation by Disability Services. This accommodation can be used by a student if they have missed a quiz/exam due to medical reasons related to their disability. Faculty will need to allow them to make up the exam/quiz. Faculty can provide a different version of the exam/quiz as long as it is equal in difficulty.

Please email if you would like assistance navigating alternate test day options with a student.

Below is a chart that provides 1.5x (Time + 1⁄2) and 2x (Double Time) conversions.

Accommodation Chart

For more complex situations, we encourage the student to consult with their instructor to see what solution can be agreed upon between both the student and instructor. If the accommodations prove to be too complex for the instructor to provide themselves, the Testing Center can provide guidance on how to proceed in those cases. We look forward to collaborating with you to find an agreeable, appropriate solution for all parties involved.

In-Person Exams

If you are offering students the option to take the exam in-person, we also provide students the option to take it in-person in the Testing Center. If this is the case, please email our office as soon as possible to set up the exam.

If you have any questions about testing related accommodations, please email

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