Student riding a bicycle on campus.

Participate in this Year’s Campus Environmental Survey

Sustainability is integral to campus culture at Chapman University. Each year the Office of Sustainability asks the campus community to participate in the Campus Environmental Survey. This survey is instrumental in assessing the attitudes, knowledge and practices of the CU community as they relate to campus sustainability.

Please take a few minutes to complete the Campus Environmental Survey and make sure your perspective is counted as we plan for a sustainable 2021-22 school year. 

Survey results will be used to inform the planning of sustainability-focused campus initiatives and practices. The survey will take approximately ten minutes and will remain open until May 2. If you wish to be entered into a drawing for a gift card, please take a few minutes to answer the questions at the end of the survey.

 Lend your voice to this important initiative; complete the fully anonymous Campus Environmental Survey. Visit the Office of Sustainability website for more information.

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