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Introducing the Canvas “Level Up” Design Series Take your Canvas Game to the Next Level!

What is the “Level Up” Design Series?

The Level Up Canvas Course Design Series is an opportunity for Chapman faculty and instructors to take their Canvas course design to the next level. After an incredibly rapid transition from Blackboard to Canvas, this series will open up additional considerations and best practices to deliver truly engaging digital learning experiences to Chapman students. Adam Kuntz, Principal Learning Consultant at Instructure, will be facilitating this series.

What will I learn that I don’t already know?

After spending countless hours transitioning to Canvas, this series will aim to increase some best practices based on Universal Design for Learning. These best practices will save faculty time, improve workflows, and increase community and collaboration in your courses.

This series aims for long term growth and sustainability of your course content and activities. Fall 2020 wasn’t the finish line, it’s the starting line! — Adam Kuntz, Principal Learning Consultant, Instructure (Canvas)

Part 1: Course Workflow (October 23)

Tips for structuring your Canvas course and when to use files vs. live documents.

Part 2: Organization and Accountability (October 30)

Learn how due dates, the Calendar, the To-Do List, and New Analytics can help you organize your Canvas course and promote student accountability.

Part 3: Student Engagement (November 6)

This session will focus on creating opportunities for students to engage with one another, with their instructor, and with course content.

Part 4: Accessibility (November 13)

Learn best practices for designing an accessible Canvas course and how to use Ally and the Accessibility Checker to make your content more accessible.

Part 5: Course Evaluation Checklist (November 18)

Use a helpful checklist to evaluate your Canvas course design.

Register today!

Julie Johnson

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