art exhibit

Enjoy Summer, Chapman Style Get Ready for Staff Summit, Community of Readers and More

There may be fewer students on campus, but there’s still plenty of campus life afoot. Here are a few seasonal suggestions for staff and faculty to enjoy this summer.

  • Check out the Chapman Staff Art Exhibition in the first-floor Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art. The show opens during Staff Summit Week and the campus community is invited to meet the artists at a special reception Thursday, June 7, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The exhibition will be on display through Aug. 30.
  • Speaking of Staff Summit Week, there’s still time to logon here to register for several of the week’s programs and workshops. Online prize selection is available on the prize page until 5 p.m. Monday, June 4.
  • Community of Readers returns at Leatherby Libraries. Read books, share mini-reviews and earn a chance to win a variety or prizes – including an Amazon Fire Tablet. Learn more at the Leatherby Libraries blog.
  • Sodexo will offer Taco Tuesdays in the Piazza as a summer dining option starting June 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Display image at top/The Staff Art Exhibition showcases a variety of creative work, from photography to costume creations.


Dawn Bonker

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