Pup Take

Those faces. Even amid a nursery of newborn  sea lion pups, two stood  out. And then when one flipped its head straight back to get an upside-down view of photographer Tara Salvesen ’19, well, the cuteness vaulted  to a whole new level. Salvesen, a news and documentary major, snapped this photo during Chapman University’s  annual interterm natural history expedition in the Galapagos Islands. The New Jersey native leapt at the chance to join 13 other student researchers retracing Darwin’s steps and studying species found nowhere  else in the world. But during the 10 days of on-site course work, it was the sea lions that captured Salvesen’s heart. “Swimming with them was the coolest thing ever,” she says, adding  that the overall course experience  “is something I never expected  would  happen in my entire life.”

Following are more photos from Chapman’s interterm course in the Galapagos Islands: 

Students from the annual interterm natural history expedition at the Galapagos Islands. Photo by Tessa King ’18
Photo by Halley Albert ’18
Photo by Halley Albert ’18
Photo by Sarah Alexander ’19
Photo by Tessa King ’18
Photo by Sarah Alexander ’19
Photo by Sarah Alexander ’19
Photo by Tanner Cusumano ’17
Photo by Tanner Cusumano ’17

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