Message from the President
Excerpted from Daniele Struppa’s
Inaugural Address
, Sept. 30, 2016
On any journey, as every climber knows very well, the only way to progress is to never stop. As educators, we know that constant intellectual mobility is a fundamental component of success.
As teachers, we must convey to each class the idea of movement on the path toward intellectual and spiritual growth. And Chapman students must be engaged to achieve this growth and continue moving on this path. In other words, studying, teaching, learning – the entire process of questioning – is a rejection of stasis. It is a rejection even of comfort – of allowing ourselves to gradually, slowly, almost imperceptibly freeze into that which we know.
It is a refusal to ever allow our path to end.
As I assume the role that’s been entrusted to me, I pledge to you, the Chapman family, the larger community and to future generations, an unrelenting commitment to a vibrant intellectual environment. An environment that will foster constant growth in our faculty and in our students. An environment committed to the difficult but exciting work of contrasting, comparing and creating new conversations from our different cultural sensibilities and experiences. An environment that encourages growth and movement across borders and generations.
Chapman is here to create this environment. For students, Chapman is here to help you embark on your unique journeys – on paths you must define and commit to following – so you one day may become global intellects and global citizens.
For trustees, administrators, faculty and staff, Chapman is here to give you the forum and the means to convey your expertise, knowledge and support to our students. To help clear the path for them to follow.
For the larger community, near and far, Chapman is here as a source of intellectual and personal excellence – the place where tomorrow’s leaders will embark on their journeys. And a beacon to those who wish to come here to learn and to work – those who long to blaze their own paths.
My dear fellow members of this remarkable family: Chapman University is, indeed, a very special place.
Thank you.
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