After years of touring the United States, a dramatic one-woman show that celebrates the life and teachings of 14
Century mystic Julian of Norwich will be featured at the
Wallace All Faiths Chapel
on Monday, Feb. 22 at 7:30 p.m.
Julian of Norwich
, a dramatic monologue performed by actress and writer Rev. Linda Loving, highlights the life, ideas, and writings of the 14th Century mystic known as the first woman to write a book in Middle English.

The Rev. Linda Loving
An English anchoress – the female equivalent of a monk – Julian of Norwich lived in a small cell at St. Julian and Edward’s Church in Norwich. Her spiritual counseling and writings over the course of her life have since found their way into many aspects of history, literature, and religion. Not a lot is known about this complex historical figure, but her writings in her book
Revelations of Divine Love
offer insight into her life, values, and why her legacy has remained for centuries.
In addition to taking this performance around the country, Loving wears many hats as an ordained Presbyterian minister, actress, writer, and consultant. With a B.A. in theatre and a Masters of Divinity, Loving intersects her educational backgrounds to bring audiences her interpretation of J. Janda’s stage play
Julian of Norwich.
The event is presented by the Fish Interfaith Center, Department of Religious Studies, and Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. It is free and open to the public.
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