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Lights, camera, alumni! Recent alumnus thinks Chapman first when hiring in film industry.

Because of Chapman University, Zak Griffler ’13 missed out on one of the initiation rites of starting a job: He didn’t get first day jitters.

student in grass

Zak Griffler’13 on set for a shoot in Georgia, filming his first documentary,  a story about Mary Gibson Henry, an American botanist from the turn of the century world of exploration-based botany.

He wasn’t lost or trying to figure out what to do. The class to career transition experience, as he recalls it, was a pretty seamless.

“Nothing was out of place – and that is invaluable, that means there was no wandering around wondering what the heck is going on,” Griffler said. “It was a very organic process.”

When it came time for Griffler to hire a cinematographer for his first feature documentary this year, he incidentally thought Chapman first with a specific person in mind.

Cinematographer Matthew Greiner ’14 had attended
Dodge College of Film and Media arts
at the same time as Griffler, but they hadn’t known each other in college, meeting only after each had moved to New York City. However, Griffler admits he knew of Greiner by his reputation for good work.

“You’re very cognizant of the skill set of the people you got to school with,” Griffler said. “If there’s anyone I can collaborate with anyone with that level of talent, with a great education — why not make it a fellow alum?”

One fellow alumnus quickly turned into two fellow alumni, because with Greiner came cameraman Jon Buchanan’14.

Griffler said at Chapman he had to learn every working part of film; creative, pragmatic as well as business, which he feels is what allows him, and other alums, to thrive in their work.

Those skillsets in hand, Griffler, Greiner, and Buchanan set about making a full length documentary on the extraordinary life of early 20
century society, adventurer botanist Mary Gibson Henry.

Griffler said what has set Chapman’s students apart is he knows firsthand the quality of experience they get.

“I think that I got a fantastic education at Chapman University. It’s helped me get very far in a very competitive workplace,” Griffler said.

It’s that mindset of quality and competence that has Griffler looking to cast a net for more fellow alumni to work with in the future.

“It’s not just because they’re alumni . . .I could hire anybody for these roles, especially  in New York City,” Griffler said. “I could hire somebody who’s been doing it for 25 years. These are people who I believe are just as good, and their work deserves to be known.”


Matt Greiner ’14 sets up his camera.

Pictured at top, from left: Zak Griffler’ 13, Jon Buchanan’ 14 and Matt Greiner ’14  shooting footage outside for a documentary on Mary Gibson Henry

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Brittany Hanson

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