
Fill up that imagination tool kit at ‘Interstices,’ an exploration in creativity

Urging people to be more creative because the jobs of the future will be in creative industries or require the problem-solving skill of inventive thinkers, is not helpful, says Patrick Fuery, Ph.D., dean of the Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

It needs to be taught and practiced.

Author and Presidential Fellow Pico Iyer will be among the participants in an upcoming workshop on creativity.

Author and Presidential Fellow Pico Iyer will be among the participants in an upcoming workshop on creativity.

That’s why Wilkinson College is hosting a week of workshops that will go way beyond mere lip service and dive into the nuts and bolts of how creativity can be learned and practiced as a skill. “Interstices: An Exploration in Creativity” will draw on thought leaders from author and Presidential Fellow Pico Iyer to Oscar-nominated screenwriter Keir Pearson (Hotel Rwanda).

Fuehry calls it “applied imagination.”

“It’s not just ‘Go and be creative,’” Fuehry says. “I want students to learn from other people’s imaginative processes and see how they apply them in real work.”

man smiling

Screenwriter Keir Pearson will be part of the April 23 creativity panel.

The central event of Interstices will be a panel discussion titled #CUCREATIVITY2014 Wednesday, April 23, beginning at 4 p.m. in Beckman Hall, Room 4040, and featuring Chancellor Danielle Struppa in conversation with Iyer, Pearson, theatre historian Jocelyn Buckner, Ph.D., assistant professor, and Michelle Miller-Day, Ph.D., professor of communication studies.

The discussion will be followed by refreshments, a “Build Your Personal Creativity Map” workshop and Q&A. Admission is free, but reservations are requested.

More information about the other Monday through Thursday workshops is available at the Interstices website.

Dawn Bonker

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