Dashing through the chill, President Doti qualifies for Boston Marathon

man giving a thumbs up

President Doti enjoys a celebratory moment after completing the California International Marathon in Sacramento, where he qualified for the 2014 Boston Marathon.

President Jim Doti braved 25-degree weather during the recent California International Marathon in Sacramento to once again qualify for the Boston Marathon.

The blast of chilly air that blanketed California early this month made for a special frosty treat on race day.

“At one of the aid stations, the cup of water I was handed had a thin sheet of ice on top,” the president said.

Despite the cold, Doti finished in 4:07:17, easily meeting the 4:10 Boston qualifying time for the 65-69 age group. An
avid marathoner and mountain climber
, Doti has run in the
Boston Marathon
seven times.

Dawn Bonker

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