Book donation stacks up at Rinker Law Library

David Finley, with books he donated  to the Rinker Law Library.

Librarians hate to send patrons away empty handed. So when a librarian at Chapman University’s Rinker Law Library discovered that the library didn’t own a copy of a book a local attorney was hoping to borrow, she went straight to the source – David Finley, adjunct professor at
Chapman University School of Law
, and author of the sought-after book.

The library asked if it could borrow a copy of
California Motions in Limine
to loan to the attorney, but Finley, who is also director of communications at the law school, went one better and made a permanent loan of that book, plus nearly two dozen more written and/or co-written by Finley, including:
California Discovery Citations, California Law and Motion Authorities, California Law and Motion Model Forms, California Motions in Limine, California Summary Judgment, Federal Motions in Limine, Federal Summary Judgment
and 16 additional out-of-state versions of the books. The texts are published by Thomson West Publishing and its subsidiary, The Rutter Group.

“I’m happy to make these practical publications available to the students, faculty and legal community through the wonderful library facility at the law school,” said Finley, who teaches an elective on California law and motion practice.

Dawn Bonker

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