Memorial Hall refurbishing on tap for Monday; alternate parking recommended

Lovely now, even lovelier after her face lift.

 Anyone who uses the Memorial Hall Parking Lot will need to find alternate parking beginning Monday, Nov. 8, when re-roofing is scheduled to begin on the building.

While the lot will not be completely closed, those who use this parking lot are encouraged to park elsewhere during the early phase of the project, when trucks, equipment and dumpsters will be in the area.

The re-roofing is part of a several month-long exterior restoration of Memorial Hall.  In addition to the new roof, the project will include exterior painting, HVAC repairs, window repairs, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage. 

Campus Planning expects the re-roofing to take up to two months depending on weather and unforeseen building issues that may be discovered through this process. Crews will work around the scheduled events as best as possible so as to keep building disruptions to a minimum. Please communicate any changes or additions to the auditorium schedule or any questions or concerns associated with this project to Jim McInerney of Campus Planning (ext. #7277).

Dawn Bonker

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