In an opinion piece published in The Christian Science Monitor titled “Himalayan climate change threatens regional stability. Can India help?” Ramesh Singh, Ph.D., professor, Computational Science and Engineering, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Schmid College of Science
, argues for sweeping changes to India’s environmental practices.
Dr. Singh and colleagues from
The Clean Air Task Force
in New Delhi warn that soot pollution from India’s industries is having devastating results on countries where consistent Himalayan ice melt and predictable monsoonal storms are critical to agricultural people and economies.

“The regions surrounding the Himalayas – China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan – could be in serious climate trouble. Warming temperatures and air pollutants are altering the climate – severely impacting the entire region’s monsoon system, which has driven those economies for thousands of years. Atmospheric pollution strains not just the ecological climate, but the region’s economic and
political climates as well
,” Dr. Singh and his colleagues wrote.
The entire article may be read at
The Christian Science Monitor
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