Lend your voices, ears to a public reading of the Declaration of Independence

Here’s a patriotic outing before you fire up the grill on the Fourth of July. Join
Thomas Bradac
, associate professor at Chapman University’s College of the Performing Arts and artistic director for
Shakespeare Orange County
, in a public reading of the
Declaration of Independence
at 10:30 a.m. in the courtyard of the Festival Amphitheatre, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove.

You can be a volunteer reader or just relax, enjoy the free coffee and hear the historic words proclaimed.  There’s a long history of reading the document aloud, Bradac told the
Orange County Register

“George Washington ordered it to be read out loud in all the colonial cities. And Washington and Jefferson and Franklin all had personal experience with Shakespeare. The language itself comes from this rhetorical basis,” Bradac says.

Read more about the program in
The Arts Blog
of the Orange County Register.

Dawn Bonker

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