New Zealand ambassador to speak tonight

man smiling
The Hon. Roy Ferguson, Ambassador from New Zealand to the U.S.

How can a small country like New Zealand make a difference in international affairs, especially in the Asian Pacific region that bristles with up-and-coming muscular economies?  The Hon. Roy Ferguson, Ambassador from New Zealand to the U.S., will give a free talk tonight (Wed., April 21) at 7 p.m. in Rm. 237A Kennedy Hall, and he has some answers to those questions.   Ferguson’s distinguished career in diplomacy has included postings in South Korea, North Korea, the Philippines and Australia.   He is visiting Chapman along with his wife, Dawn, who shares his interest in international education.  So — if all you know about New Zealand is that
Lord of the Rings
was filmed there and they have great scenery, come tonight and find out more about this fascinating country and the diplomat who represents it to the U.S.

Dawn Bonker

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