Category - Wilkinson College

library display of books
Honoring Alumni Female Authors During Women’s History Month
Forbes 30 under 30 alumni
Chapman University Alumni Shine on the 2024 Forbes 30 Under 30 List Ben Gallagher ‘17, Makenzie De Armas ’20, Sabina Kashi ’16, Leah Thomas ’17 and Jason Pan ’18 were celebrated for their influential roles in various industries.
illustration of two hands reaching for each other
Sharing Their Stories, Being Their Voice: 25 Years of Chapman University’s Holocaust Art & Writing Contest Organizers and participants reflect upon the contest's impact and ongoing importance in confronting antisemitism.
michelle philo
Michelle Philo ’03: Alumni Association President Builds New Alumni Opportunities
Legacy donors Richard and Colleen Pitts with former Chapman dean and professor Dr. Virginia Carson
$1 Million Legacy Gift from Chapman Alumnus to Benefit Students Pursuing Biomedical Careers
schmid gate chapman university
Chapman University Research Awards for November 2023
stage with black curtain that reads sustainability decathalon
Chapman Faculty Organize Inaugural Orange County Sustainability Decathlon
shira klein
Exposing the Holocaust Lies on the Dark Side of Wikipedia Associate Professor of History Shira Klein writes about how she learned about the potential for disinformation on the crowdsourced information site, and the viral response that followed.
black and white photo of Amahuaca men in traditional garb
Saving Endangered Indigenous Language in Peru Pilar Valenzuela and a team of linguists are documenting the Amahuaca language with support from a National Science Foundation grant.
stephanie takaragawa holding black and white portrait of young boy
Art From the Inside: Comic Art Offers Intimate Look at Japanese Incarceration A new exhibition explores life inside the Japanese incarceration camps from the point of view of the people who lived there.
peter cline
Peter Cline ’23: Helping Veterans Transition to Post-Military Life
Chapman banner
Chapman Professor Chris Bader Awarded $664K From Indiana University

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