NBC NEWS: Students thank teachers in viral TikTok trendJAMES BROWN, professor of peace studies, and his class' surprise "thank you" message featured.
January 3, 2021
BUSTLE: The Heartwarming Message Behind “Main Character” Videos On TikTokAMY JANE GRIFFITHS, assistant professor of clinical counseling, quoted about the TikTok trend that is inspiring people to harness "main character energy" in their everyday lives.
December 17, 2020
OC REGISTER: 500,000 jobs were lost and 6,600 lives were saved by California’s pandemic mandates, study saysJIM DOTI, president emeritus, and his Economic Forecast findings on the impact of California's strict business limitation featured.
December 17, 2020
SPECTRUM NEWS: COVID-19 Vaccine on Its Way, but Will Every Health Care Worker Want It?KARL HESS, associate professor of pharmacy, interviewed about the COVID-19 vaccine and how it is only effective with widespread participation.
December 12, 2020
USA TODAY: ‘Most valuable surrogate’: Spouses key in battleground states, lending firepower in final campaign pushLori Cox Han, professor of political science, quoted about the role of women and spouses in politics.
October 29, 2020
OC REGISTER : Chapman University offers its Panther Village for first responders to self-isolateDANIELE STRUPPA, on residential housing for first responders.