Category - Chapman in the News

buildings of chapman university
Reuters: Fed’s Daly: 75 bps rate hike likely needed in July
Economic Forecast Update 2022
ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL: OC Lags in High-Value Job Creation, House Prices to Decline
Jim Doti at economic forecast 2017
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER: Orange County home prices could fall 14%, says Chapman forecast
Jeff Goad
VENTURA COUNTY STAR: COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Younger Than Five Approved in California
Brynn Shiovitz
WBUR – HERE & NOW: What makes Swan Lake a favorite of the Kremlin and protesters
Jamie Ceman
FORBES: Four Principles For Managing Change In Your Marketing Organization
Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies
VOICE OF OC: Who Are Your Options to Run Your Government? Here’s Who Made it Onto the November Ballot
Peter Simi standing in front of graffiti wall
ABC DALLAS: North Texas-based hate group’s arrests in Idaho show wide reach of white supremacy, researchers say
Economist and Chapman University President Emeritus Jim Doti at the 42nd annual Economic Forecast
USMARKETTODAY: Doti Will Forecast Midterm Elections, Give Economic Update
man speaking into microphone
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER: Election 2022: ‘Daily disorder’ was on the ballot in the Caruso vs. Bass race for LA mayor
Memorial Hall
KQEDUCATIONGROUP: Chapman University Part of OC Group Receiving State K-16 Education Collaborative Grant
Male pharmacist using mobile phone at pharmacy. Medical healthcare and pharmaceutical service.
WASHINGTON POST: We need a labeling system for pharmaceutical prices Making drug prices transparent would help doctors know what to prescribe and ensure patients take their medications

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