Category - Chapman in the News

professor pete simi
ROLLING STONE: Neo-Nazi Satanist Cult Is a Terrorist Group, Feds Say In the trial of a U.S. GI accused of plotting to murder his fellow soldiers, the United States says the Order of Nine Angles sect should be treated like Al Qaeda
ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL: Full-Court Press Chapman alumnus Matt Kanne, founder of Anaheim’s Open Gym Premier, discusses the company he launched in 2009 while playing basketball as a business major.
Kennedy Hall
VOICE OF OC: Is the FBI Trying to Shake Out More Witnesses in its OC Corruption Probe?
Economic Forecast Update 2022
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER: Midterm forecast: Gas prices get GOP control of U.S. House
andrea molle
NEWSWEEK: Putin To Exploit U.S. Economic Pain To Bring Biden Midterms Misery—Experts
buildings of chapman university
FOOTHILLS SENTRY: Chapman Named a Military Friendly Campus
Chapman campus photo
VOICE OF OC: Local Government is Closest to the People; Should It Go First on Ballots?
Economic Forecast Update
SPECTRUM NEWS 1: Chapman OC forecast: Higher mortgage rates, 12% drop in home prices
President Doti giving economic forecast talk.
ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER: Recession is on the horizon, warns Chapman
Sociologist Pete Simi research in the field.
ARMED FORCES CONNECT: Military veterans targeted by extremists preying on patriots
buildings of chapman university
Reuters: Fed’s Daly: 75 bps rate hike likely needed in July
Economic Forecast Update 2022
ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS JOURNAL: OC Lags in High-Value Job Creation, House Prices to Decline

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