Author - Cindy Harvard

What are Americans Really Afraid Of? Team Fear Has the Answer
What Are Americans Really Afraid Of? Team Fear Has the Answer Snowfall
What are the Signs of a University on the Rise?
What Are the Signs of a University on the Rise?
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Peace Leadership
Sowers of Peace All over the globe, changemakers are embracing Whitney McIntyre Miller’s peace leadership model, feeding a global movement for systemic change.
Invitation to the Universe featured gif
An Invitation to the Universe In their new book, an artist and a theoretical physicist bridge the complexity of physics with the wonder of discovery in some of the weirdest corners of the cosmos.
Digging Dinos In Chapman's new dino lab, students live out childhood dreams as they bring to light a 78 million-year-old fossil find.
It’s All Dance For 30 years, choreographer Dwight Rhoden has been exploring boundaries and creating some of the most dynamic works in the world of contemporary ballet.
Food Security Breakthrough Earth system scientist Joshua Fisher and his team have developed a predictive model that tips the balance toward more efficient delivery of life-saving famine relief.
Cosmic Archaeology Forward For the first time in history, scientists unearth extraterrestrial culture on the international space station, led by Chapman University Professor Justin Walsh.
Brewing Possibility For food science students, learning is anything but a grind, thanks to the mentorship and camaraderie of the Chapman Coffee Club.
Something in the Air For the first time in history, scientists unearth extraterrestrial culture on the international space station, led by Chapman University Professor Justin Walsh.
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