Add your Online Event to the Chapman Events Calendar 

Campus may be closed and classes may have moved online, but that doesn’t mean events can’t take place remotely. Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chapman University continues to offer a variety of webinars and online events in an effort to help faculty, staff and students stay connected while away from campus.

Whether it’s a wellness webinar or a Community Impact Forum, all faculty and staff are welcome not only to attend these online events but also add an event to the Chapman Events Calendar.

There are two ways to add an event to the Chapman Events Calendar at
  1. The most common way is to use the 25Live event scheduling system, which is required for all events that occur in shared Chapman campus locations. This includes most locations on campus. This system will automatically produce an event listing once your “public” submission is confirmed.
  2. For all the other event locations, which includes external Chapman event locations and virtual events, we have a “submit event” form that can be accessed at

After you submit an event, you will have access to edit the event’s details. For an overview on how to use the edit mode on the events calendar, read this help guide for editing.

During this time of social distancing, virtual events are helping unite the Chapman community. So if you have an online event – and you have all the details – please add it now to the online event calendar. 

To keep up with all that’s happening virtually at Chapman, be sure to visit the events calendar frequently.

Read about Chapman’s community impact to learn more about the several ways Chapman is helping in the coronavirus battle.

Sharing is caring!

Michelle Anguka

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