Got a fair favorite? C.C. Chapman did

The Orange County Fair has changed a lot since the days when C.C. Chapman attended. Photo/Leatherby Libraries Special Collections and Archives.

We’ll never know what university namesake C.C. Chapman would have thought of deep fried Twinkies, Al’s Brain, and Pig Cam, all features of the
Orange County Fair
, which opens today, July 16, at the OC Fair and Event Center in Costa Mesa.

But we’re pretty sure he liked a good, clean fair and was especially fond of the citrus exhibits. Prowling through the
online archives at Leatherby Libraries
, Happenings found
this little gem
from a speech Chapman delivered at the Aug. 28, 1929, opening of the Orange County Fair:

“There was a time in some counties where the Fairs conducted developed into horse racing, gambling and drinking orgies. These, however, soon failed in support, or the management changed.”

Whoa, doggies.  And to think we feel a little naughty just watching the pig cam.

So, friends, what’s your favorite fair indulgence, attraction or novelty? A gob of fried cheese? Giant turkey legs? (A little birdie told us they’re actually ostrich. Anyone have the skinny on that?) Carnival games? Post a nice comment. It’s what C.C. would want you to do.

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Dawn Bonker


  • I bought a super pass for the OC Fair this year just for the food! Strawberry lemonade, Mexican funnel cake, Australian battered potatoes, and of course, anything DEEP FRIED!

    Last year I raved about the deep fried white castle.

    This year I think I might have to try the deep fried butter! We’ll see!

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