Virtual Retirement Savings Counseling Sessions for May


  • Consultant: Christian Frost
  • Phone/virtual appointment: 
  • Available dates:
    • Wednesday, May 10
    • Thursday, May 25

Part-time faculty who participate or would like to participate in the Chapman University Tax-Deferred Annuity 403(b) Retirement Plan are also welcome to schedule consultations with these representatives.

Additionally, here are 5 tips to boost your retirement plan savings:

  1. Start Today – It’s never too late to start planning for your future.
  2. Contribute to the Chapman University 403b Plan – Pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions are available. 2022 IRS limits allow you to contribute up to $20,500.
  3. Employer Matching Contributions are Back – Eligible participants can receive up to a 6% matching contribution when making an employee contribution.
  4. Take advantage of the catch-up provision – Are you age 50?  In addition to the annual limit, you can contribute an additional $6,500.
  5. Ask questions and Plan – Retirement planning can be intimidating, but don’t let that stop you.  TIAA and Fidelity representatives can help with a personal consultation session.

If you have any questions, contact

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