Staff Summer Festival
Chapman staff members gather at the Attallah Piazza as the Staff Summer Celebration begins.

Chapman University Celebrates the Staff Summer Festival Chapman University staff celebrated with two days of recognition and festivities.

Chapman University staff came together for two days of celebration and recognition. The festivities kicked off on Wednesday, July 24, with the Staff Appreciation Celebration at Memorial Hall and Attallah Piazza, where employees were honored for their years of dedicated service. Certificates and pins were awarded to recognize the hard work of staff members, followed by a social hour with refreshments.

The celebration continued on Thursday, July 25, at both the Attallah Piazza and Aitken Arts Plaza with the Staff Summer Celebration. The tailgate-style event featured a variety of lunch options, ice cream, sports, games and an obstacle course. Staff members enjoyed the chance to unwind and connect with colleagues in a festive atmosphere.

Human Resources Staff Summer Festival

Members of the Office of Human Resources distributed appreciation gifts to Chapman University staff during the two-day celebration, recognizing their dedication and contributions to the university.

Human Resources Staff Summer Festival

Chapman University staff members strike a pose at the photo booth, capturing fun memories during the Staff Summer Celebration.

Human Resources Staff Summer Festival

Chapman University staff members tackle the obstacle course and enjoy friendly competition.

Human Resources Staff Summer Festival

President Daniele C. Struppa and President Emeritus Jim Doti, who was acknowledged for 50 years of service, share a moment together during the Years of Service Award Ceremony, celebrating the dedication and accomplishments of the university's staff.

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