Spring 2023 Semester Grades – Due Monday, May 29

Spring 2023 semester grades are due in the Faculty Center on Monday, May 29, 2023.

  • Please keep your students’ academic coursework, such as papers and final examinations, not returned to them during the term, for a minimum of two years.
  • Faculty may not assign a grade of W. For a student who has stopped attending, please assign a grade of FW (or NP if the course is taken on a Pass/No Pass basis).
  • To request that a posted grade be changed due to a clerical error, faculty may use the “Request a Grade Change” link in the Faculty Center.

For assistance, the Final Grading Reference Guide may be accessed from the Faculty and Staff Services website. The Final Grading Reference Guide shows step by step directions of the grading process in the FacultyCenter.Chapman.edu.

Here are a few grading notes.

  • Faculty may begin entering their grades on the first day of finals week. For the spring 2023 semester, this is Monday, May 15, 2023.
  • Login to chapman.edu, select the Faculty / Advisor Center link and then Faculty Center.
  • After “saving” the assigned grades, changes to specific entries may be made, until the overnight grade posting process runs.
  • Once grades are posted, grades cannot be changed using the “Faculty Center” grade roster.
  • Faculty members may change final grades for clerical errors only. Furthermore, additional work may not be assigned to enable the student to receive a higher grade.
  • To change a grade use the “Request a Grade Change” link in the Faculty Center. This link is found on the “My Schedule”
  • To review submitted grades, simply return to the grade roster to view the grades that have been submitted.

Pass/No Pass Undergraduate Grading Standards

  • “P” grades are equivalent to a “C-” grade or higher.
  • “NP” grades are given for “D+” and below.

Pass/No Pass Graduate Grading Standards

  • “P” grades are equivalent to a “C+” grade or higher.
  • “NP” grades are given for “C” and below.

Incomplete Grade

University policy on assigning a grade of incomplete (I), as approved by the faculty, is as follows:

The grade of Incomplete may be assigned by an instructor if a student, through circumstances beyond his or her control, has not completed a small portion of a course by the conclusion of the term. The student must request in writing the grade of Incomplete and must propose a date acceptable to the faculty member by which the missing work will be completed. A grade of Incomplete may not be assigned in order to give a student a chance to do more work to improve a grade.

The deadline for removal of an Incomplete is one year from the first day of the term in which the Incomplete was recorded, unless a shorter period of time is specified by the instructor. In certain circumstances where the student must attend the class to fulfill the remaining requirements, and when the course is not offered every semester, at the instructor’s discretion the deadline for removal of the Incomplete will be one year from the end of the term in which the Incomplete was recorded. The deadline determined by the faculty member must be specified when they assign the grade of Incomplete in the Faculty Center. In order to change a grade of Incomplete to the final letter grade, use the “Request a Grade Change” link in the Faculty Center. It is found on the “My Schedule page”. Instructors are required to enter the grade the Incomplete grade will become if the incomplete is not replaced by a higher grade prior to the deadline. A grade of incomplete can also be assigned by an instructor if academic integrity is in question at the time grades are due and the instructor requires more time to resolve the issue.

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