On Saturday evening, Lunar New Year’s Eve, a shooter opened fire in a Monterey Park dance venue resulting in the loss of 11 lives with 9 more people injured on what was supposed to be a most joyous occasion for people around the world.
In what has become all too familiar, members of the Chapman community now collectively mourn another senseless loss. We reaffirm our condemnation of acts of hate and violence, and our hearts break for the victims, their families, and all who are suffering the pain of yet another mass shooting terrorizing our communities.
The Fish Interfaith Center will hold a vigil when students return to campus next week. Vigil details are being arranged and will be shared with campus in the coming days. In the meantime, a remembrance table offers a place in Wallace All Faiths Chapel where Chapman community members can sit, write messages, and light a candle.
We invite any community members to reach out to the following resources for support as we confront the pain of this senseless and horrific attack:
Chaplains of the Fish Interfaith Center, interfaith@chapman.edu
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, dei@chapman.edu
Student Psychological Counseling Services, spcs@chapman.edu
YOU@Chapman, an app for students to help manage stress, set goals, prioritize well-being, and connect with appropriate campus resources.