Pralle-Sodaro Hall and Sandhu Residence Center are experiencing a network outage. Chapman University IS&T is investigating the issue. The network outage in the dormitory areas does not appear to be power related.
Update: The outage points to the Resident Halls’ main router. Currently, Network is up only for Henley and Glass Hall and about half of Sandhu. We are alerting these buildings now that we will need to do an emergency reboot of the main routers, which will cause all main campus residence halls (except for the K) to lose network access for approx 10 minutes. This will occur in the next 5 minutes, and we will provide an update afterward.
Final update: The network reboot has been completed, and it is back up. The total time of the network outage was from 7:43 am to 9:25 am.
Thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving this issue.