Catch Dr. Jay’s TEDx Talk “How to Heal America’s Traumatized Brain” Streaming Aug.25!

If we were to put America under an MRI machine at Chapman University’s Brain Institute, what would we observe? Chapman University’s Director of Wellbeing and brain science researcher Dr. Jay Kumar believes we’d witness complex trauma on American democracy and the impact of anger, grief and loss that threatens to radicalize our national psyche.

As part of TEDxWrigleyville’s two night event, “Humanity: The Repatriation,” Dr. Jay’s Aug. 25 TEDx talk explores a novel approach to healing America’s political strife and social division by addressing our underlying, unspoken trauma over belonging and identity. Integrating brain science research with political psychology, Dr. Jay offers practical solutions for restoring our fractured democracy and mending America’s “state of mind.” 

Catch this timely conversation on Aug. 25 at 5:30 p.m. PST! Register for the complimentary talk today.


Michelle Anguka

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