Kosher Food options

Kosher Food Now Available Across Campus

Good news! Sodexo is now offering a variety of delicious, grab-and-go kosher-friendly food items at three locations on campus. 

“I am so pleased to share that by working closely with Sodexo, we are now able to offer kosher food on our Orange campus,” says Rabbi Corie Yutkin, chaplain of Jewish Life at the Fish Interfaith Center. “By providing kosher food for our students, faculty and staff, we are recognizing the diverse dietary needs of our Jewish population which makes up over 10% of Chapman’s community,”

There is more good news— those who observe Islamic dietary laws are also able to partake of the kosher food offerings as it complies with their dietary restrictions as well, says Rabbi Corie. 

You can now find these items available in:

  • The Subversions in Argyros Forum
  • The Leatherby Libraries Rotunda
  • The Digital Media Arts Center

Kosher refers to food that follows the dietary standards of traditional Jewish law.


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SMCSTU20 Hannah Montante

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