Upcoming December Deadlines for Accounts Payable

As the Holiday Campus closure approaches, there are a couple of deadlines for Accounts Payable to process requests and ensure items are paid.

December Holiday Break Deadlines

  • Wire Requests, PO Invoices, Non-PO’s and PRQ’s must be received by Accounts payable by Dec. 11, 3 p.m. for processing. All PO’s must be received in PeopleSoft before payment can be issued.
  • Last check-run for the 2019 year will be Dec. 17. Workflow approvals must be completed in PeopleSoft by Dec. 16 in order to be captured in our last check-run.
  • Concur Expense Reimbursements and Cash Advance Requests must be fully approved by Dec.13 in order to be captured in the last Dec.17 check run.

Stephanie House

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