The architects planning Chapman University’s new buildings might want to add in another trophy case or two while designing the stunning new buildings on campus. Because no sooner does a new building go up – and in one instance, even before – than the architectural awards start pouring in.
The new Musco Center for the Arts, which debuts its inaugural season this fall, has won two architectural design awards. The Pfeiffer Partners-designed center has received a Citation Award from the American Institute of Architects Orange County Chapter and an Award of Merit for its engineering from the Engineering News Record.
Covering 88,000 square feet, Musco Center for the Arts provides a state-of-the-art venue for students to hone their talents, discover their voices and visions, and prepare for rich and rewarding lives in the arts. The Center’s façade spans the entire block at the northwest corner of campus, staking out a highly visible arts identity within the community.

Across campus, the future Center for Science and Technology, designed by AC Martin, is barely into the framing phase of construction. But it, too, has earned a Citation Award from the American Institute of Architects Orange County Chapter.
At 140,000 square feet, the Center for Science and Technology is Chapman’s largest and most expensive facility ever constructed. The Center will feature a stunning arch entrance and amphitheater, bridging the Hall of Science and the Hall of Technology.
Read about other recent architectural honors in this previous Happenings post.
Display image at top: An illuminated Musco Center for the Arts provides a dramatic backdrop at its grand-opening celebration.
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