All campus community members – faculty, staff and students – are invited to the formal ceremony for the Installation of the Dean of the Wallace All Faiths Chapel on Monday, March 26 at 4:30 p.m. The ceremony, which will officially install the Rev. Gail J. Stearns, Ph.D. as dean of the chapel, will be held in the Ray and Pauline Wallace All Faiths Chapel in the Fish Interfaith Center.
It promises to be a colorful ceremony, with Chapman trustees, governors and senior staff in caps and gowns, and community religious leaders dressed in the ceremonial attire of their denominations. The main speaker will be Varun Soni, Ph.D., dean of religious life at the University of Southern California. Also on the program are musical performances by a student ensemble performing “Fanfare 150” (the piece commissioned for Chapman’s 150
Anniversary), directed by Daniel Alfred Wachs, and the University Singers, conducted by Stephen Coker. Members of various religious faiths, including Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh and others, will also offer poems, songs and readings from their traditions, making this a truly interfaith ceremony. A reception for all will follow.
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