“Einstein’s Universe,” a series of lecture-performances exploring Einstein’s passion for music and physics comes to Chapman University next week. But you can get a glimpse into the thinking behind this unique program by visiting the Lofty Ambitions blog this week.
Brian Foster
, the Oxford professor of physics and amateur violinist who teamed with internationally renowned violinist Jack Liebeck to create the “Einstein’s Universe” project, is a guest blogger at Lofty Ambitions, a project of Chapman’s own Anna Leahy and Doug Dechow. Music and science were intertwined for Einstein, says Foster, who writes: “These two elements weren’t separate watertight compartments in Einstein’s life; rather, each cross-fertilized the other.” Read his entire post at
Lofty Ambitions
“Einstein’s Universe” runs Feb. 28 to March 3. Learn more about the scheduling
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