Free flick a tax break all can claim

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Befuddled by taxes? You’re in relatively good company.

 “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax,” Albert Einstein wrote.

Oh, great. If the whiz kid struggled, what hope is there for the rest of us? Well, we can take a stab at understanding the whole convoluted business at a world premiere film screening of
“An Inconvenient Tax
” at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 15, in Kennedy Hall, room. 237. Chapman University is one of only two California locations chosen for premiere screening of the documentary from Life is My Movie Entertainment.

The documentary explores the history of the income tax and brings to light the causes of its many complexities. Interviewees for the film are a diverse bunch. They include, among others, Noam Chomsky, Steve Forbes, Joseph Thorndike, Mike Huckabee, Charles Rossotti, Dave M. Walker, Neal Boortz, Michael Graetz, Daniel Shaviro, Leonard Burman.

Admission is free. There’s a break.  (Thanks to sponsorship by the Chapman University Tax Law Society and ABA Young Tax Attorneys.)

To see trailers or interview excerpts, visit the documentary website

Dawn Bonker

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