Now that the “Give A Little Bit” campaign is well underway at Chapman, we’d like to share your stories of community service. How are you contributing to this two-year campaign to engage the Chapman community in 150,000 hours of service, celebrating Chapman’s 150th anniversary in 2011? Chapman faculty, staff, students, alumni and family are all encouraged to get involved. Send us your stories at pr@chapman.edu. To learn more about the campaign, visit its Web page
or at www.chapman.edu/scl/givealittlebit.
For starters, let’s put the spotlight on Jon Kaplan, assistant dean of the Argyros School of Business and Economics, who has recently submitted service hours to the Give A Little Bit campaign.
Kaplan has volunteered with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) since 2005, after his son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 15. In 2006, Kaplan became a member of the board of directors for the Orange County chapter.
JDRF is the leading charitable funder and advocate of type 1 juvenile diabetes research in the world. The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
Q. What have you gained from your experience with this agency?
As the parent of a child with Type 1, it is great to know that I am part of an organization that is making a huge difference for him and other children and adults like him with diabetes. It is not a matter of “if” we will find a cure, it is a matter of “when.” It is great to know that every little bit of time and money I give gets us that much closer to reaching our goal. I have also had the chance to get to know a great group of volunteers who are just so inspiring.
Q. Why should other members of the Chapman community engage in service?
Besides being scary and upsetting, it was a bit ironic when my son was diagnosed with Type 1, because I had just expressed to my wife a desire to volunteer, but I wasn’t sure which organization I wanted to support. When he was diagnosed, that made my choice easy. Engaging in service adds great value to my life. I have found that one sure way for me to experience true joy is to serve others. Volunteering has been and continues to be rewarding and fun at the same time.
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